

ein l weniger

19 Jahre 8 Monate her #17054 von raskolnikov
ein l weniger wurde erstellt von raskolnikov
hoi boardies,

vielleicht zum kennenlernen

irene kral (1L !!)
you are there -1994
where is love -1974


Irene Kral belongs to a group of singers under recorded by the music industry and unknown by too many jazz followers. But like other members of this group, she is valued by musicians and by a small, dedicated clutch of fans. Others falling into this category include Sue Raney, Blossom Dearie, and Dave Frishberg. Sometimes dubbed cult singers, their enormous skills are not given the recognition they deserve

fazit rasko : wunderbare stimme + hier mal vorbeIlesen---> KLICKEN ----> es handelt sich um nat hentoff link - --- wie vorher geschrieben : 2x lesen !!!!!!!

raskolnikov aka dirk :wink:

Noise annoys, music can be amusing and silence is a rhythm too
alle menschen sind ausländer - fast überall

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