

Slava Ganelin

20 Jahre 8 Monate her #16126 von juke_box
Slava Ganelin wurde erstellt von juke_box
Slava Ganelin - Birds of Passage

Ganelin plays piano and synth and has led the legendary Russian free improv Ganelin Trio for a quarter century, while Ms. Ofri is a most impressive vocalist as well as a choreographer, was born in Italy and raised in Israel. She sung the lead role in Berio's "Ofanim" and has worked with orchestras around the world. This is their second release as a duo and it was recorded live in Jerusalem in July of 2001. "From a Nest" begins with quiet, somber piano and eerie synth and occasional percussion.
It takes a while for Esti's voice to enter, as Slava sets the mood with his mysterious synth/piano drama. Esti uses her natural sounding voice like an actress telling a story, working her way through a variety of characters and evolving scenery. On the second long piece, "Gravity", Slava plays more percussion as Esti takes her time to invoke a few different spirits, this piece evolves very slowly, but does have a number of quietly intriguing moments.


"Vergib deinen Feinden, aber vergiß niemals ihre Namen."
(Kennedy, John F.)

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