

Musik für Massage, Liebesspiele, Tantra, Yoga etc.

19 Jahre 2 Monate her #17682 von karla
beide Alben sind gut geeignet für Massage, Liebesspiele, Tantra, Yoga etc.

Llewellyn + Leora Lightwoman: Tantric Sexuality

The unique aspect of this album is the underlying steady beat... a single rhythm extending from beginning to end, and at a perfect pace for breathing meditation or tantric lovemaking. In fact, this album is so well crafted for those purposes that it's hard to imagine using anything else. I've not found its equal (though Al Gromer Khan's "Tantra Drums" is in the right ballpark).

My boyfriend and I are exploring Tantric. I listened to the tracks and was immediately hooked. Never had we experienced anything both sexual and spiritual at the same time. We managed to connect on a level neither of us have ever experienced before and has made us closer to each other. The music is fabulous meditation as well. Brings you down gently, effectively and makes meditation very rewarding and easy.

This CD is incredible if you need sensual and erotic background music for a bodywork session. I do bodywork only on other professional bodyworkers...and music is frequently part of our discussion....to a person, every other professional I have worked on has asked where to buy a copy of this CD after out session. That said, I have listened to this CD hundreds, maybe even more than a thousand times...and i never tire of it. I have yet to find anything that equals it for tantric / erotic overtones.....if anyone has any suggestions, though...I would like to know of them...
By way of comparison...my other current favorite CD for body work with a less sensual ambience is "The Hours Soundtrack" by Phillip Glass. Wonderful pace, rhythm and instrumentation....this CD will lend an emotional feel to any session...so use it carefully if you are doing deep tissue work on some people...

Al Gromer Khan: Tantra Drum

Ambient & Trommel Perkussion. Ein weiteres Meisterwerk von Al Gromer Khan, dem Erneuerer der "Electronic Space Music", der schon mit seinen New Earth Produktionen "Monsoon Point" und "Space Hotel" weltweit Erfolg hatte. Das Thema ist Tantra, eine Form des antiken Shakti Kultes, die viele geheime Übungen mit erotischer Ausrichtung umfasst.

It blends the Indian cadences of raja with a little Giorgio Moroder thrown in for good measure. Some of the cuts are transcendental ... very evocative of dreamy harems ... quiet temples at sultry dusk ... the tiniest soupcon of African rhythms. Mystical, flowing, sensual, erotic, engaging... lovely musical support for slow, ecstatic lovemaking. Transports the listener to another level of consciousness....

Fantastic.... beautiful, visceral rhythms. Great for meditation, and PERFECT for those intimate times!

Ausserdem, da ich ein Fan von Al Gromer Khan bin, hier noch a bisl was von ihm:

Al Gromer Khan + Emin Corrado: Tantra Electronica

This CD promises a lot. Not only does the New Earth Records website state that "another level of consciousness" can be reached through the listening of Tantra Electronica, but there is an implied tie-in to tantric sex, with a quote about sexual intercourse on the back of the CD sleeve and song titles that include "Pleasure Palace" and "From Lust to Bairagia."

I don't think this CD will either raise your consciousness or raise, well you know. This bliss CD could put you in a mellow mood, however.

The 13 instrumental tracks are synthesizer-based, with Indian instruments like tabla, sitar and surbahar (an instrument of the sitar family) added, and occasional Indian vocals and spoken word. The synthesizers are very space-like, using long, drawn out notes. Gromer Khan calls his style "paisley music," intertwining ambient keyboards with traditional Indian melodies.

Corrado wrote three tracks, Gromer Khan wrote seven and they collaborated on three. All the tracks blend together well.

On this CD, just under an hour in length, there is nothing here to really capture your attention. This is not quite an ambient and not quite a new age CD, but somewhere in between, without taking anything interesting from either genre. And combining Indian music with electronica has been done many times before, by Gromer Khan and others. Gromer Khan has also done CDs mixing ambient music and the art of love with Tantric Drums and Kamasutra.

Some listeners say that this music is good for meditation. This one sounds more meditative than erotic.

Al Gromer Khan - Sufi

Al Gromer Khan ist ein deutschstämmiger Sitarmeister und wurde mit elf bestverkauften Alben ausgezeichnet. Seine einmaligen Auftritte, die er selbst als Paisley Music bezeichnet “traditionelle indische Melodien verbunden mit elektronischem Ambiente eines Keyboards” haben ihm zu internationalem Ruhm verholfen. Al Gromer Khan verschmilzt seine meisterhafte Beherrschung der Sitar und anderer indischer Instrumente mit hypnotischen Ambiente-Sounds.

Al Gromer Khan - Kamasutra

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19 Jahre 1 Monat her #17704 von karla
Ich möchte bei der Gelegenheit auf zwei russische Foren aufmerksam machen, die im Bereich New Age, Ambient, teils auch Lounge und Folk/Worldmusik/Ethno sehr viel interessante Sachen versammeln:


Man kann dort viele Tips und Anregungen bekommen. Ich habe dort für mich zum Beispiel Robert Rich entdeckt und lieben gelenrt. Aber auch folgnede Perlen möchte ich euch ans Herz legen:

++ Levon Minassian + Friends -The Doudouk Beyond Borders
++ Patricie Anzari - Extase [wie Gabrielle Roth]
++ Phil Thornton - Tibetan Meditation
++ Sirus + Irina feat. Sangit Om - Floating [beruhigend-meditativ]

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