

die falsche note

21 Jahre 3 Wochen her #16819 von raskolnikov
die falsche note wurde erstellt von raskolnikov
hoi boardies,

ists gestattet dass ich noch ein "monument" aus flandern vorstelle..

raoul servais : die falsche note-1963

In this film, the subject is a street musician who operates a music box. Graphically close to Bruno Bozzetto's "Signor Rossi ," he presents a large nose, typical in both Belgian comic strips and universal in cartoons. In this case, he mixes a conspicuous bi-dimentionality with volume, produced by the contrast between a dark flesh color and a clearer one, a simple method that gives a character a very particular presence. The humor, which is definitely present, has to convey a transparent message: in opposing the little man's music box to the borrowings from the real world (the juke-box, the dollar, the 'atomix girl'-billboard), Servais criticizes the society of consumption and its exclusively material values , rather than drawing an opposition between 'ancient' and 'modern.' "De valse noot" was Awarded in Antwerp.

nicht gerade musi aber irgendwo passts im fkgm oder....

hab das filmchen mal geuppet für interessierte (7.5 mb / qualität könnte besser aber ne geschenkte gaul...)----> members.lycos.nl/jeugdboeken2003/falschenote.asf (rechtsklick - speichern als)

raskolnikov aka dirk :wink:

Noise annoys, music can be amusing and silence is a rhythm too
alle menschen sind ausländer - fast überall

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21 Jahre 2 Wochen her #16829 von stalker
stalker antwortete auf die falsche note
Gefällt mir, vielen Dank für den Hinweis.



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