hoi boardies,
ist fast immer "bonton" bischen anti-ami zu sein...
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Lullabies from the axis of evil-2004
Kirkelig Kulturverksted - Norway 2004
On January 29, 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush gave his famous "State of the' Union Address" to the American people wherein he launched the term "The Axis of. Evil". In this speech, he pointed out Iran, Iraq, North Korea "and their allies", as being;. ..the enemies of the U.S. and the free, democratic world. This and other speeches, held by Bush and other leaders of the greatest power on the planet, made it clear that the "war on terrorism" following the events of Sept. 11. '2001. needed to identify nations -not only terrorist-cells -as the enemy,
Without going too far in analysing the reasons behind this new way of fighting an old problem, it is easy to become worried about the fatal results the new doctrine may-create.The stigma that has been attached to the countries pointed out as members of "The Axis of Evil" is just one side of it. The building of enemy-lines and walls, in minds and on the ground between peoples, is another. The fact that it misleads us and covers the real problems in the world is a third. .
Lullabies lead us to the deepest and most fundamental way of communication between human beings. It is where all sharing of ideas and feelings starts. Between mother and child, between father and child. It is a universal culture. And it is amazing to see how many aesthetic similarities, musically and lyrically there are in lullabies from country to country all over the world. The text-issues are often the same, so are the musical structures. Differences in scales, language, metaphors and religion cannot cover the fact that in the lullabies, the cultures of the earth meet each other. Or rather: from this common starting-point they grow into diversity.
This knowledge made me want to record lullabies from the countries that the U.S.-lead western world now has put on the other side of its enemy-lines. I wanted to record women's voices. It does not mean that I think the act of singing lullabies is something reserved for females. After having raised four children, I am an experienced lullaby-singer myself. It only means that the male voices are far too dominant in the world today, speaking the words of power and warfare. And especially in the oriental world the women are pushed aside. Their voices are hardly heard.
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I don’t know if Lullabies from the Axis of Evil will actually help in putting baby to sleep, but it goes a long way to reversing the stereotype of the ‘them.’
I can’t think of a better way to express the care and love in that fundamental communication between parent and child everywhere. (quelle: worldmusiccentral.org)
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