

Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States...

19 Jahre 11 Monate her #17448 von cntr
--> www.drinkinggame.us

"Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States..."

The general rules of this game are no different from any other drinking game. A drink is either a shot or a good gulp from a beer (or cider). Different events call for different numbers of drinks and all you do is watch the speech and play along. If all goes well, you'll be unconscious by the time they show the other party's response.

This year, President Bush's State of the Union address is scheduled for Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 9pm (Eastern). It should be broadcast on all major networks and cable news/political networks.
For online coverage, go to www.c-span.org/executive/stateoftheunion.asp

--> www.drinkinggame.us

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